Autumnal Equinox Ritual + Meditation

What is it about fall that makes us want to party? I don’t think its just the cozy Autumn feels (although that certainly helps as soon as the nights start to get longer and the temperatures start to drop enough to make bonfires and layer sweaters.). I think its a deep ancestral instinct to give thanks this time of year, an artifact from generations and generations of agricultural societies that were genuinely fucking relieved every time their harvest was successful. This season was a time for pouring out their thanks, enjoying the bountiful fruits of their labor and anxiously petitioning their gods and spirits for protection in the winter to come. Its such a natural human feeling to tap into. And I think the spirit world that surround us enjoys this festive atmosphere as well.

Waking up Mama Bear

“In the Wildwood tarot deck, the Queen of Stones is represented by a standing mother bear, protecting her cubs with her fierce power. When this card came up for me, I struggled to connect it to the Full Moon in Pisces. And then I remember what my inner child work has been teaching me. “

Connecting the dots

The new moon is coming up and as usual, its got me reflecting on the last few weeks and wondering what comes next. But this cycle seems to have me looking back even farther and trying to look at the bigger picture of my life. I can hardly believe it, but I’m coming up on the ten year anniversary of when I started first started dabbling in the occult. Since that time, I’ve darted down quite a few different paths in the excitement of novelty, ready to commit to a label , title or egregore before I knew what I was getting into. I was always looking for a new identity. I thought I needed something to take the place of the identity “I’m a pastor” which I had worked so hard to claim for myself. But finding a new identity that fit and a new path to walk proved harder than I thought.

Daily Sketch: “Offering“

The brushes in Adobe Fresco certainly make painting smoke easier, but there is a trick to keeping it as subtle as a stream of incense smoke rising from a stick in the darkness. This started as a study of how to use the smoke brush realistically, and then my husband suggesting putting a face in…

Searching for my Art

I’m trying to Art again. I mean, don’t get me wrong…even though I haven’t posted on here in ages, I never stopped writing, painting, making music, etc. In fact, I’ve been producing nonstop for my two jobs. But it has all been for the benefit of institutions and businesses, rather than my own artist’s heart….