Daily Sketch: “Offering“

The brushes in Adobe Fresco certainly make painting smoke easier, but there is a trick to keeping it as subtle as a stream of incense smoke rising from a stick in the darkness.

This started as a study of how to use the smoke brush realistically, and then my husband suggesting putting a face in the background. It’s funny…he assumed that this was a glowing cigarette in the dark, while I had envisioned it as incense. Funny how your brain fills in missing details according to your personality…the occultist sees a ritual in process, and the man who hasn’t smoked since January 1st of this year sees a lit cig. The mind sees with bias what the eyes don’t.

I’m really going to try to post here more often, even if it’s just unpacking the occult art I make, or posting daily tarot. At this point I don’t care if anyone reads it, but the verbal processing is helpful. I was so hopeful to make this site a big deal back in the day…some sort of occultism hub of info. But I got self conscious about my changing opinions about things, and having things out there forever and got work hung up on self censoring that I eventually just stopped posting anything at all. But I want to get better at this writing thing and I want to hold myself accountable for making art, and if folks get some benefit from my ramblings, all the better.

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